Asia and Pasific Association for Social Work Education


Asian and Pacific Association for Social Work Education, Tackling New Challenging With a Fortified Organization 
Work together with your fellows in the Asian and Pacific region.  Work together with APASWE.

What is APASWE?

  • About 283 schools* of social work from some 20 countries and regions are members of APASWE.
  • APASWE is a non-profit and non-sectarian association.
  • It is an organization to promote social work education in the Asian and Pacific region to enhance social work and well-being in the society

* Schools is an inclusive and representative term that refers to universities, colleges, departments, facilities, institutes and programs that offer post-secondary education/training preparation of professionals in social work.

What is our advantage of joining APASWE?

  • APASWE is an organization with which you work together with your fellow teachers, researchers and academicians in the Asian and Pacific region and make your dream come true.
  • APASWE’s “immediate purpose” are exchanging information and resource, helping each other for development, creating a community of social work educators and researchers, and being their voice to the society.
  • Using the APASWE, let us work on for the further progress of your schools, regional social work education, social work itself and well-being of people!

Relationship with IASSW (International Association of Schools and Social Work)

The APASWE is the association at the regional level while the IASSW is the one at the international level. Both association are independent separate entities while the APASWE was spun off from the IASSW in 1972, and expanded to incorporate schools in the Pacific region in 1981. Regional associations such as APASWE and IASSW are working together for common goals in a cooperative spirit.


  • Hits: 11670

Contact Us 

President : Associate Professor Dr. David Rose (Australia)
Secretary : Dr. Jowima Reyes (Philippines)  adminblack


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