Asia and Pasific Association for Social Work Education


The APASWE Board of Directors call for nominations for the four vacancies on the APASWE Board that will occur in November 2021.

Vacant Positions are for:
•    President    
•    Secretary    
•    TWO (2) Committee (Board) Members

•    Nominees must be current APASWE Institutional Members (Article 4 Section1, Article 7 Section 2 and 3).
•    All Nominators (Proposers) and Seconders must be current APASWE members; they may be Institutional or Individual members.

Nominations must include:
1.    A signed nomination and recommendation from both the Nominator and Seconder who have updated membership with APASWE;
2.    A brief letter of support duly signed from the nominee’s institution stating that the institution will support the APASWE activities of the nominee if they are elected;
3.    A 200 words statement and 150 words biographical sketch from nominee (in English, and any other language)
4.    A 2x 2 high resolution photo of the nominee should be supplied.


•   You may use the attached nomination form
•   Individual nominators are limited to nominating only one nominee for a position.
•   Functions of positions, nomination procedures (necessary documents), and the schedule of the election are as follows:
The President shall be the head of the Association and shall call and preside at all Association meetings. He/she shall appoint all committee chairpersons. It shall be his/her duty to see to it that all the objectives and functions of the Association are carried out.
•   He/she shall perform other duties, which ordinarily devolve upon the President of the Association. He/she shall sign all important correspondence and give his/her written consent to all disbursements and bank withdrawals authorized by the Board.
(Section 2-1.4.1)

The Secretary shall be recorder of all meetings and shall keep all records of the Association and execute directives of the President and Executive Board. He/she shall perform such other duties, which ordinarily devolve upon the Secretary of the Association.
(Section 2-1.4.4)

Committee Members shall serve on various committees and perform other duties which are required for and by the association. They may serve as committee chair, committee member and/or as a single person in charge. Committees may include the following (or others as designated by the Board):

•    Election Procedure Review Committee
•    Publications Committee
•    Next Conference Committee
•    Organizing Committee
•    Membership Services
•    Constitution Review Committee
•    Website Committee
•    Regional Rep. for IASSW. The Regional Representative for IASSW shall attend every IASSW meeting and report to APASWE Board and members

The elected Board members shall regularly attend Board meetings and shall perform duties assigned by the President and/or the Board.

Closing date for nominations: September 1, 2021
Nominations must be received by the Chair of the APASWE 2021 Nominating Committee by 5:00 pm on September 1, 2021, Philippine Time.
Email nominations to: Dr. Jowima Ang-Reyes at

Important Dates:
1. September 2021: Close of nominations

2. September to September 30, 2021: Nominating Committee (NC) certifies the eligibility of Nominators, Seconders and Nominees, reviews the Nominee’s consent and pledge to attend Board meetings, and institutional support letters. The Nominating Committee will announce final slate for the elections on or about October 4,2021.

3. October 2021: At least six weeks prior to the date of election (Sec.4-d; Constitutional requirement):

•   NC commences mail out of the list of the bona fide nominees with the ballot papers
•   “Rules and Regulations” and schedules.
•   Votes must be returned to Chairperson of NC.
•   Voting will be possible by email up until the set deadline 15 November 2021

All votes must be received by the Chair of Nominating Committee by 5:00 pm, Manila, Philippines Time on November 15, 2021.

Election results will be announced during the Online General Body Meeting of APASWE.


  • Hits: 2555

Contact Us 

President : Associate Professor Dr. David Rose (Australia)
Secretary : Dr. Jowima Reyes (Philippines)  adminblack


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