Asia and Pasific Association for Social Work Education

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: APASWE Student Workshop & Scholarship




Student Experiences in Social Work Education and Field Training during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Asian and Pacific Association for Social Work Education (APASWE) is proud to announce its Student Workshop to be held during the 26th Asia-Pacific Regional Social Work Conference between November 11 (Thu) and November 13 (Sat), 2021. The conference as a whole and the 90-minute workshop will utilize a fully online format. The workshop aims to provide opportunities for students to experience international academic exchange, enhance student interest and involvement in APASWE activities, and promote active conference participation by students.

We are looking for students who consider themselves as members of the next generation of social work educators and scholars in the Asia Pacific, and call for abstracts related to the workshop theme of Student Experiences in Social Work Education and Field Training during the COVID-19 Pandemic. One local student from Australia and two international students from other regional members will be selected by the APASWE Selection Committee, and awarded a scholarship of 500 USD to make a 20-minute presentation based on their abstracts and participate in a panel discussion during the workshop.

Abstracts should be 800 to 1,000 words long, closely related to Student Experiences in Social Work Education and Field Training during the COVID-19 Pandemic, and clearly indicate the authors name and enrollment as a full-time graduate (master or doctoral) student at an APASWE member school. Abstracts should be sent to the APASWE Office ( by e-mail according to the following schedule:

  • Submission of abstracts: October 22 (Fri), 2021
  • Notification of selection results: October 29 (Fri), 2021
  • Submission of presentation slides based on selected abstracts: November 5 (Fri), 2021
  • Workshop: one 90-minute session at the conference during November 11 (Thu) - 13 (Sat), 2021



The 26th Asia-Pacific Regional Social Work Conference

  • Hits: 2825

Contact Us 

President : Associate Professor Dr. David Rose (Australia)
Secretary : Dr. Jowima Reyes (Philippines)  adminblack


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